At this stage in life, one goes to a lot of retirement parties. The happiest are when the retiree has had a satisfying career, when her job was her passion and, most important, when she is really ready to let go and enter a new stage of life.
It helps to be relatively young and the retiree can look forward to time to pursue new interests or longstanding interests she never really had the time to explore.
It also helps to have a loving partner and a rich family and friendship network. My dear friend Kathy Black had all these ingredients in place and I was very happy I could share this moment with her and hear tributes from people in her life— some of whom I had never met and whose perspective on Kathy’s contributions was new to me.
As I survey the retirement landscape I’m familiar with, my advice is don’t wait too long. At this stage in life time is the most precious commodity!
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